FreeSEOToolBox brings you the best online free tiff to txt conversion tool. Use this tool to convert non-editable tiff images into editable txt files instantly, without any registration requirement.
FreeSEOToolBox has created this conversion tool and it can be used for changing the non-editable TIFF image into an editable TXT file. For this purpose, you can upload the TIFF images on the website and it will output the TXT tool. This TXT tool will be smaller in size and can be shared easily.
No, FreeSEOToolBox doesn’t diminish the quality of TIFF images and the pixels will be amazing. The tool will optimize the TIFF images but it won’t impact the quality of the graphics. Moreover, you don’t need to worry about the zigzag or fuzzy fonts.
No, there won’t be any watermark on the final file and you can use it without any fear of copyrights.